Living in Freedom & Joy - Workaholics Anonymous International Online Conference 2024 

September 27 to 29, 2024

It will be entirely virtual. 

Early Bird Registration is now open,  please click here to register

We are pleased to announce this year’s Annual Workaholics Anonymous Conference will be held from September 27 through 29, 2024. The theme is “Living in Freedom & Joy.”

We hope you are able to join us virtually wherever you are in the world and can save the dates in your calendar.

About W.A. Conferences

The W.A. World Service Organization holds an international conference each year so that members can share their recovery and conduct any fellowship business. For many members, an annual conference was their first opportunity to actually meet other recovering workaholics and make important connections that promote a lasting commitment to wellness. Newcomers are very welcome and strongly encouraged to attend!

What Happens at a W.A. Conference?

Conferences are a time to connect with other recovering workaholics. We meet to work the Steps, discuss the Tools and Principles, and develop abstinence plans. Though we will be online we will still build in play time and break rooms to give space/time for fellows to connect outside of meetings. There are often also meetings for family and friends of workaholics through the fellowship of Work-Anon.

Help plan the conference

Planning Committee meetings are the 2nd Friday of the month, 8:30 a.m. Pacific time/ 11:30a.m. Eastern time/ 4.30 p.m. UK time. New members are always welcome – right up until the last meeting. If you would like to help plan, present, or give other service for the conference, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Conference Testimonials

"I felt like I was bathing in WA sobriety for three days, surrounded as I was by people both committed to recovery and very, very kind. I not only got a lot of good tips, I felt such a sense of connection with the WA recovery movement, being part of something bigger than myself or my own small group. It helped me drop my anchor down deep in recovery waters."

  -  Pat S

"I attended my first WA conference in 2018 in Philadelphia. After being limited to the small group in Albany, it was overwhelming to be among so many dedicated workaholics in recovery. I found the conference very moving and enlightening and I left energized for my recovery and feeling very supported in my struggle. I was so excited, I agreed to coordinate the 2020 conference in Albany! 2019 brought me to Chicago where my recovery deepened and strengthened. I connected with “old friends” from Philadelphia and met new ones as well. Since returning home I have been focusing on my program with more intensity than I had for years. Both were wonderful experiences for me and I hope those who have never been to a conference can join us in 2020."

  -  Alan K

"I attended my first WA World Service Conference fairly early in my WA recovery. It was so transformative that I have attended as many others as I have been able. Here are some of the highlights of the Conference for me:

  • Reconnecting with old friends and making new ones
  • Meditating in a group with fellows in the mornings, which brought richness and depth to my meditation
  • Feeling immersed in all the recovery conversations around me
  • Waking in the middle of the night due to jet lag, and finding someone else awake, to have a wonderfully connecting talk with
  • Hearing so much openness, vulnerability, strength, experience, and humor
  • The excitement of seeing new literature, hearing about next year’s Conference, and seeing the inner workings of how these things come about
  • Staying an extra couple of days to relax and have fun with a few other members, and deepening our friendships with shared experiences
  • Feeling lovingly held, right in the heart of the fellowship
  • Drinking in the beauty of the scenery and beauty around the Cenacle Retreat Center, particularly the early morning sun filtering through the leaves around the Lily Pool."

  -  Morrie H.

 Frequently Asked Questions click here


Information Update Alert

Please note, the World Service Office is in the process of refreshing all of the listings on this page. Some of them may be out of date. We welcome your interest in a new networking listing by sending it to the email address below. We are considering a duration for listings to keep them fresher. Thanks for your help and any information you have about the current listings on this site in the meantime. Networking listings below include interest in starting new meetings, those seeking sponsors/cosponsors, and those announcing new meetings. May your recovery from this disease be supported and nourished by connecting with others from the fellowship.

W.A. Member to Member Networking

Do you want to start a new meeting? Are you looking for people to start a mailing list (chat group) on line? Send your posting to webupdates AT and if appropriate and W.A.-related, it may be included here. No commercial links please. Please put "W.A. Networking Page" on the subject line, and indicate which information you want listed and how, otherwise we cannot tell which messages are sent in private and which are from people who want their information published here. Also, please let us know when the information is out-of-date and needs to be changed or removed.

In addition to these listings, there is on the right of this page a list of cities where individuals have registered their interest in starting a meeting. You can contact us if you live nearby and want to help start a meeting with one of these Meeting Catalysts.

Greetings from Switzerland!

If there is someone traveling and wants information about our meeting in Zürich i would be glad to be the contact person. greetings from Switzerland!

alexandra - phone: 0041433555752

Diane from Indiana writes:

I am a workaholic, recovering Alanon and a recovering Compulsive Overeater in OA. I have recently been working on these WA steps with my OA sponsor, but I would be interested in having an on line female WA sponsor who has completed 4-9 with another sponsor. I am from Indiana. The closest meeting to me is over 60 miles.

Please contact her at daylillygal AT . Thanks.

David is interested in a male co-sponsor or sponsor by phone 828-301-1727. David is also interested in starting a meeting in Asheville open to anyone seeking recovery from workaholism.

Jerry, in Boise Idaho, would like to start a meeting.

Please contact him at (208) 350-8276, or email jmat1508 AT thanks.

My name is natalia and I am workaholic. I am interested in starting a online group for people who speak spanish. I am from Spain, barcelona.

Please contact me: natalie_S25 AT thanks.

Wayne, from Mission Viejo, California would like to start a meeting.

Contact info (949) 588-8930 or email wmigliore AT .

Robert, in Wilkes-Barre PA, would like to start a meeting.

Contact info (570) 825-6643 or email bobplal05 AT thanks.

The spouse of a workaholic writes:

I lost my husband of 8 years to workaholism. For most of those 8-years I tried to figure out what was wrong with me! The lifestyle choices (what life) of a workaholic impacts everyone around them and leaves invisible little cuts that fester. While we are apart now - the pain lingers and the questions remain. I had no idea what I was dealing with until it was too late. It is an invisible addiction that is socially supported and often rewarded.

I would be interested in a group in North Vancouver. BC. I could host or join and existing group for spouses.

Webmaster's Note: This spouse has moved on with her life but others may wish to seek help at For Friends and Family

John R from Edmunton, Canada writes: I am struggling and am interested in getting in telephone contact with other members of the Fellowship who might be interested in talking on the phone. I am more than happy to make the calls and pay the charges.

Contact info: (780) 420-0667 or email jpreilly AT .


I am interested in starting a face-to-face Workaholics Anonymous group in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada. I would like to extend and receive support from others who are seeking to recover from workaholism. If interested, please emailjeanguy.leblanc AT


Laura, from Rock Island IL, is seeking a co-sponsor.

If you are interested, please email: walaura AT .


Dug L. writes: I have just lost my partner to workaholicism. I would be interested in starting a group in Seattle for partners or adult children of workaholics.

If you are interested, please email: dugylee AT or call 206-407-9908.


I am interested in starting a face-to-face group meeting for Workaholics Anonymous in Gainesville, Florida. I will be taking steps to get organized for this now even if we start with only a few people.

If you are interested, please call 352-505-6295.



Thomas G, from Alexandria VA, seeks a co-sponsor. He writes:

I do feel I need someone to speak with regularly who has approximately the same number of years and commitment than I have. Please email me at the following address: Thbg AT


My name is Steve and I am a workaholic interested in starting a meeting in Miami Beach/Miami Florida.

Please email me at the following address: szaiman AT or call 305.531.3114.


Hi. I would like to inform you that we have open a new on-line WA group. The address is the following:


Maire writes: I would be happy to join a group in Ann Arbor Michigan or to be involved in a start-up. mejmd AT


I am interested in starting a group in the DC area. Please contact me if you know of any information about the prior meeting that existed or are interested in starting a meeting.

Jeff D.

Phone 202 997 5425

spesunica153 AT


Interested in starting a group in the Los Gatos - Santa Cruz/Monterey Bay area (California). Please contact if you are interested, know of a group in my area, or have ideas/resources on how to get started.


(831) 295-8850 cell/msg

(831) 689-9800 office/msg

antaki AT


All prior listings on this page appeared to be out of date, so they were deleted to give the people listed here a break. If you would like to be listed, please let us know.

Meetings Catalysts

Meeting Catalysts

(A catalyst is something that promotes an action but is not used up in the process.) Other people may call or have called from your area seeking a meeting. Since no meeting is listed near you, you may wish to be listed in the "MEETING CATALYST" category. With your permission, your first name and telephone number will be listed on our website and will be given to other callers from your area. You and they may wish to form a new W.A. meeting in the future. In that event we can supply Meeting Starter Kits at a small charge (let us know if you want one). Please fill out the Meeting Catalyst Form and return it to W.A. World Service if you want to become a Meeting Catalyst.

Cities with Meeting Catalysts

These are cities in which individuals have registered with us and indicated an interest in starting a meeting. Detailed contact information can generally be found on the meetings page. It can also be obtained from the

W. A. World Service Organizationthrough phone contact, US Mail, or email.

(Scroll down for international listings.)

United States Future Meeting Cities

State, City

  • CA Concord
  • CA Long Beach
  • CA Los Gatos/Santa Cruz
  • CA Marin County
  • CA Mission Viejo
  • CA Pleasant Hill/Diablo Valley area
  • CA Sacramento
  • CA Truckee
  • CO Teller County
  • CT Hartford/Farmington
  • DC Washington DC area
  • FL Gainesville
  • FL Miami Beach/Miami
  • FL Orlando
  • ID Boise
  • KS Wichita
  • MI Ann Arbor
  • NC Asheville
  • NC Charlotte
  • NJ Central New Jersey
  • OH Vermilion
  • PA Philadelphia
  • PA Wilkes-Barre
  • TN Memphis
  • VA Virginia Beach
  • VA Wash DC area
  • WA Arlington/Snohomish Co
  • WI Milwaukee


  • Manly (near Sidney)
  • Rozelle


  • Alberta: Rolling Hills
  • British Columbia: Nanaimo
  • British Columbia: Vancouver
  • Ontario: Hamilton
  • Saskatchewan: Saskatoon

Denmark: Copenhagen


New Zealand: Hamilton

Norway: Tromso

Spain: (ONLINE)

UK - Rottingdean, Brighton

Ukraine, Lviv

PLEASE NOTE: Some face-to-face meetings have been temporarily moved online. Look for NOW VIDEO next to the meeting name to find online meetings. 

Find Online Meetings, by time (click here)

Find international and U.S. meetings by location.

If you are a media representative, please click here

24-hour Phone Line

Please click here for more information.

Use this time zone converter to find electronic meetings in your time zone.

Welcome! We are happy to hear that you are interested in starting a Workaholics Anonymous meeting. We have New Meeting Starter Kits available by two means- to get you the core material to needed to form your own W.A. group. You can order your Starter Kit for postal delivery, and we will include printed copies of all materials, multiple copies of core brochures, and a copy of the W.A. Book of Recovery. Or you can order an electronic copy of the New Meeting Starter Kit, which will provide you with PDFs of the core materials, some brochure, but you will want to order the W.A. Book of Recovery as well. Remember, all it takes to start a W.A. meeting is two workaholics who desire to recover from compulsive working.


We welcome you into the fellowship of Workaholics Anonymous and hope that you will find in this program the friendship, encouragement, and support you need to stop working compulsively and to carry the message to workaholics who still suffer. Many of us have found help following these steps of recovery. We hope you will find them useful, too.

Registering the Meeting and Staying Connected

Once you receive your Meeting Starter Kit, please complete and mail in the enclosed registration form or register your meeting online! This is a source of referral to you when people in your area ask us to help them find a meeting. Also, this information helps us keep our meeting list, including the popular web meeting list, and our mailing list current. We will send the meeting contact newsletters and conference information, ballots, etc. We wish you the best. Please feel free to write to us or call if you need any further help or just to let us know how you and your group are doing.

Yours in Recovery,
Workaholics Anonymous World Service

Enclosures you will receive:

A. Meeting Registration Form
B. SASE for Sending Back Meeting Registration Form (if Packet sent Postal Mail)

C. Materials to Lead Meetings

  1. Meeting Format
  2. How Recovery Happens
  3. The Twelve Steps of W.A.
  4. The Twelve Traditions of W.A.
  5. The Problem: Characteristics of Workaholics
  6. Signposts of Workaholism
  7. The Tools and Principles of Recovery
  8. The Promises of W.A.
  9. Additional Readings: Characteristics of Recovery
  10. Additional Readings: Affirmations for Workaholics
  11. Additional Readings: The Gifts of Rest
  12. Additional Readings: Twenty Questions: How Do I Know If I'm a Workaholic?

D. Core Literature

  1. Book: The Workaholics Anonymous Book of Recovery (1 copy) [not included in electronic New Meeting Starter Kit]
  2. Brochure: Workaholism: A Brief Guide (20 copies in postal kit)
  3. Brochure: Recovery in Workaholics Anonymous: Working the Steps (20 copies in postal kit)
  4. Brochure: Abstinence: Top Lines and Bottom Lines (20 copies in postal kit)

E. Organizing a W.A. Meeting

  1. How to Start a Workaholics Anonymous Meeting
  2. Suggested Meeting Space Request
  3. Sample Press Release
  4. Sample Meeting Announcement Flyers
  5. Letter to Health Professionals