Meditation of the Week


I love myself, no matter what.

Driving myself into the ground is the opposite of self-care. The same is true when I punish myself for for not living up to my sky-high expectations or for making a mistake. I no longer want to abuse myself like this.

W.A. has taught me how to love, respect, value and nurture myself. It has been a steep learning curve, but I have gotten back in touch with my feelings. When feeling tired, instead of berating myself for being a “lightweight,” I rest. When thirsty, instead of “forging on,” I stop and take a drink. When bewildered, instead of running in circles, I call a friend in W.A. I am learning to meet my needs.

Old habits sometimes kick in, but self-care is gradually becoming more habitual than self-neglect. As I show more kindness to myself, I also show more love to others. I feel happier and my self-esteem blossoms.

When I nurture myself and treat myself with love, I start to believe I’m lovable.

Workaholics Anonymous Book of Serenity front cover

(Workaholics Anonymous Book of Serenity. Weekly Meditations for Recovery, 2018, Meditation 47)